Closure of the Brechin Community Pantry


The Board, Trustees and volunteers of the Pantry have made the difficult decision to close the Pantry on Friday 26th July 2024. Since opening in 2016 we have provided assistance to many people in the community, worked with many 3rd sector agencies, Angus Council and local organisations to provide a variety of initiatives up until Covid. After Covid the dynamic of the pantry changed, and we were providing direct food support to clients as the cost of living crisis happened. As an organisation, we have come to a natural end of what has been a huge journey and we would like to acknowledge everyone who has supported us financially, with physical donations and those who have volunteered over the past 8 years. Although we are closing another new Community Space is opening at the Jars Community Hub, where they have a community cafe and a community food shop for all in our community. We are confident that you will all support this new venture as strongly as you have supported the Pantry.